Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and I realized that mine is way boring! So today when I got sick of studying philosophy and I didn't want to read Harry Potter (because I'm at the spider chapter of the second book and I hate that chapter!), I changed the design of the blog. I've also decided to try and add some more pictures, but that will come later on when I actually have pictures to add. Oh and I think I'm going to take it off the the private setting because it's a pain having to sign in everytime I want to do something. So that's it basically. That's the most exciting thing that has happened to me since the last time I wrote.
Oh and just an update on school, I took three tests this week that I think I did really well on but we'll see. One of the tests was for spanish and my teacher counts my grammar mistakes so I basically have no chance anyway, but the other two I think I will pass. At least I hope I will!!! I start my finals next week and the director of the school has decided to change the schedule. Because we are missing four days of school to go on our class trip this term, he decided to make us go to school at 8 on the days of the finals, take two hour and a half tests, then go to regular class after recreo. The kids were so mad that they protested during tutor hour yesterday. It didn't change anything though. So now we will probably all fail our tests, well at the least the first ones of the day we might pass, all because we need to make up school. What's the point? Does he honestly think we are going to pay attention in regular class after 3 hours of testing with 3 more hours the next day to study for? So that's the big drama in Spain.


  1. I love the background of your blog. Way cool.

  2. Madi I'm lovin the new look here! It's stinkin' cute. :)
