Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shopping in Spain

Tomorrow I'm going to stake conference in Vitoria and I'm way excited! This is one of the only times, since coming to spain, that I've actually cared about what I look like because, well, um I'm pretty sure you guys can guess why. Anyway, so today I went shopping to find something that I can wear tomorrow. Boy was it crazy!!!
I decided to go around 5 so that I would miss most of the crowds, but after an hour or so the stores were packed!!! You may think that's because there were good sales going on, or it's a holiday or something, but no, the stores are always packed!!! I think it's because there's nothing else to do here. So I came home around 8 with the biggest headache and only 4 purchases.
My other complaint about shopping in spain is the organization of the stores. The boys clothes are always in front, so in order to see the girls clothes you have push your way through a ton of smelly boys checking themselves out in the mirror. Then when you make it to the girls clothes you can only pick out 4 things to try on because that's the limit in the dressing rooms. Then IF you find something you like to have to go past the boys again and stand in the forever long line. The lines are so long that when I finally found something at Zara I immediately put it back after seeing the people lined up.
Anyway, the point is that I miss shopping in the states where there's space to breath, indoor malls, normal looking clothes, and huge dressing rooms!


  1. I thought it was funny to have all the guy clothes in front, too. But come on, they don't smell! And I've never been to a store that could ring up purchases faster than they do in Burgos. Longest lines, but efficient.

  2. Oh, by the way, how did Stake Conference turn out?

  3. They boy clothes don't stink, it's the boys that stink, way too much cologne (is that how you spell that?). Stake conference was good, but I didn't end up seeing my friends or the person that I really wanted to see, they left at 12:30 and we got in at 12:35. Elder estevez-garcia and elder sayaz were disappointed as well because they wanted to see elder jackson and woods. But the talks were good, it was broadcasted from salt lake.
