Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bored to Busy

So this week we only had three days of school (carnivales) and I only went to two of them. Thursday I woke up with a stomach ache so I decided to stay home rather than face those kids that are in my class. And then I went friday and in the morning I just sat there while everyone else took the math test (la recuperacion, how do you say that in english? recuperation? that just doesn't sound right). And then we didn't have philosophy because our tutor hour carried over. And then to finish it off we got out of school a half an hour early. So basically I could have stayed home friday as well.
Anyway, all day friday and saturday I did nothing. I sat in bed and read or watched movies. Until at around 6 o'clock I decided to go for a short, painful run. I'm so bored!
So I wished that I could have something to do besides studying...
Today when I came to church there were two other missionaries that are traveling around the mission to help out the other elders there. One of them gave me the challenge to get my host family to come one sunday to church (I think it's impossible, but I'll try). And then Lucy, a friend, told me that we are having a youth activity on thursday. And then the branch president's wife gave me the primary manual so that I can start preparing lessons because I'm now teaching english to little kids on thursdays. And then Lucy (again) asked me to help her out with some computer stuff next sunday and then invited me to eat over as well. AND THEN the missionaries in Burgos asked me to help them in a lesson they are having with a couple from Alaska on friday, but since I have school I told them I couldn't, so they said they'll find another time.
So that's my story on how I went from being super super bored to extremely busy in just a few hours. Be careful what you wish for! Lesson of the day

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