Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fiestas y la Comunion

So every year my school here in Burgos puts on this festival for the students. Primero de Bachillerato (my year) is in charge of planning this festival. This year, the festival is on May 27 and then it carries on to the 28th. Which means that this past week has been way hectic!! We have to plan everything! The theme, the food, the games, the sports, the dance, the party in the bar, the costumes, etc. It's a pain!!!
So planning is a pain, but doing it is more of a pain! To start the party on thursday, my year has to perform this pregon (a theater type thing where we have to dance). The theme for the festival is "toys" so the pregon is a story about a little girl buying a barbie queen and taking her to her house. The problem is, Ken is in love with the barbie, so he gets the G.I. Joe's to go on a rescue mission. So all the girls are Barbies and all the boys are G.I. Joe's. I have to dance! It's awful! And what's worse is that I have to dance in a tutu!!! Do barbies even wear tutu's??? And since I don't actually own a tutu, I have to make it. And since Cristina doesn't know how to sew, I have to. And since my host family doesn't own a sewing machine, I have to sew everything by hand!!! So I'm a little fed up with this festival if you can't tell.
The next time I write, I'll give you all the update and tell you how the pregon went.
But for write now, I'm going to write about a little thing called a comunion. Today I had to wake up early in order to go to Pachi's cousin's son's comunion (ya a little distant relative, but that's how they are here in spain). A comunion is a catholic tradition for 9 year olds where they prepare to accept Jesus Christ. Today's comunion had about twenty kids which means a TON of family members and friends. It was held in a really small church, so there weren't enough seats for everyone. The people that didn't have a seat stood right in front of us, so I didn't see anything. Plus, it was scorching hot! I was about to die!
After the comunion, we ate at a restaurant that was even hotter than the church. And the smoking doesn't help the heat. So basically I was miserable! But hey, at least I can say that I've experienced a real comunion which is more than most mormons can say!

1 comment:

  1. I just got caught up on your blog. I totally forgot about it. Nice job and awesome pics. Can't wait till you get home. Will you dance for us?
