So the day I got home from my school trip (the 31st of March) I left for youth conference. The only people that came from Burgos was me, Anthony (a 14 year old boy from our branch), and our counselor, Jairo. Well on our way there we got lost so we didn't get to Barria until five minutes before the welcoming speech.
When we did finally get there I immediately started talking to Noemi and Zuri, but when Zuri had to go to do some counselor stuff and Noemi went to talk to a friend from Santander, I made friends with two boys from Las Arenas, Ramiro and Natanael (more about them later).

So we played our get to know you game and then went to bed. Of course that meant that we had to have a little fun beforehand! In the pictures above you can see our fun we had with the sleeping bags! Well after that we were all talking when in comes the young women president telling us all to go to bed. The problem was that she's usually a really happy person and so when she came in yelling we all thought she was joking, but in the end she wasn't. She told us that if we didn't go straight to bed she would wake us up at 6 (two hours earlier than we were supposed to wake up) to read the scriptures. Well me and Noemi laid down in our bunkbeds that were pushed together and started to whisper really really quietly. Noemi said something funny and so I of course had to lean over and tell Zuri who was sleeping in the bottom bunk. Well the ladder ended up getting in my way and I ended up with a really bad bloody nose. Let's just say that me and the young women's president never got along after that. I think she still hates me!

So the next morning we did indeed have to get up two hours earlier! Then after our scripture study and breakfast we had a book of mormon scavenger hunt! Then we had free time and so we played in the park that was right by the old monastery (where we were staying). After lunch we had supersabado and I was in a group with Noemi and the two most attractive boys there, who happened to be brothers.
That night we had the talent show. Oh man what a disaster! The young women started it with some spiritual song and then every branch or ward had to do a talent. Well Anthony didn't want to participate so me and Jairo decided to sing I am a Child of God in English and we asked Noemi to help out and Zuri to play the piano. Well Burgos was the last on the list (as usual) and all the other wards did fun talents. There were skits, breakdancing, and two boys from San Sebastian played the guitar. Haha and then we had to go up and sing. Oh how embarrassing!!! I couldn't look at anyone! And then right afterwards someone told us that he was falling asleep. Ugh! I hate even thinking about it! I knew we should have sang "popcorn popping ont he apricot tree" with actions!

When it was time to go to bed me Zuri and Noemi were finally able to talk because the young women's president was showering. And man did we have a good time! I think it was my first time laughing to the point of tears since being in Spain! Above you can see that we were all extremely tired after waking up!

The next morning we had our fitness day! We played a bunch of games and then we split up into two groups. One group chose to do kick boxing type stuff and the other group was on how to look pretty (basically). So of course all the girls went to the second group and since I didn't want to be alone, I did too. Well it turns out that one of the boys from Las Arenas went with us girls and while we were in the group, me and Zuri were trying to convince him to let me cut his hair. We told him I had a ton of experience because I have a little brother (a late april fools I guess). Well after hours of trying to convince him he finally agreed to let me cut a little in the back. And then his brother (Rami) agreed as well. Rami even said I could cut as much as I wanted!!! Big mistake!
In the afternoon the stake president talked to us for a little bit and then each branch/ward had to teach one little section from the strength of youth. I think the best one was the sexual purity talk given by the Logrono ward (the only ward with two people going out), hmm... do you think the leaders planned that one out???

Well that night we had the dance! They told us to wear church clothes, but aparently to some that means formal dresses. I felt kind of stupid because as you can see, my dress could be worn to the beach. And not only that, but I also didn't take the "formal" to heart and I really dug into my dinner! But in the end it didn't matter what I was wearing or how I acted, because I had so much fun! I've forgotten how crazy a dancer I am! Man! I frighten myself! I really feel bad for the poor fourteen year olds I danced with that night.

So after three fun filled days, saturday came around and it was time to say goodbye. But before it was time to leave, I did get my opportunity to cut some hair! In the end the original boy (Natanael, above) backed out so I only got to cut his older brother's hair (Rami)! And I have to say that I did a pretty good job! Everything was looking good until some other girl wanted to join in on the fun and totally ruined it! Haha the next day I went to Bilbao and saw that his mom had cut more off to make it look better. Poor boy!

So that was youth conference! Overall, it was a blast and I can't wait to see these kids again at the next supersabado!!!
Oh and sorry for the month delay, I've been pretty busy lately.
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