Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 23

In the past week I've made new friends. When school first started, I was a loner and no one talked to me! It's my first time starting school in a new place, and for some reason I was more shy than usual! Maybe that has to do with me not speaking their language... Anyway, the past couple of days have been much better! I'm now able to have a conversation with someone where we both understand! I've also been invited to parties, which is a VERY big step for me!
My clases are also getting better. I'm starting to understand more, or maybe I'm just getting used to not understanding. Before this week started I printed out everything I'm learning in english, and it's helped a lot! Now that I know what I'm suposed to be learning, I see that a lot of my clases are repeats of past clases. For example, right now my economics clase is the same as human geography in ninth grade. History also relates to those two clases, and philosophy relates to economics. Knowing that, I might actually be able to pass the tests in October!
Pachi (my host dad) is driving me nuts! I really can't look at him without feeling irretated! When he talks to me he talks really loud and really slow, which is fine, except he spits in my face because he's a close talker! Both him and Cristina ask me the same questions over and over again! They're both really nice, but I avoid them as much as possible!
Well that's about all that's happening right now. Please send me an email, or a comment, or something because I miss all of you guys!


  1. Wow! Madison, it sounds like you are more popular in Spain than you are in America. You should just stay over there!
    Oh! and convince mom that she needs to find me a ticket to Spain!

  2. Jerk! Maybe I don't want you to come in december after all! I have way more friends in Utah than here! When's your last final?
